Recent content by moonlite

  1. moonlite

    Imlach's Sweaty Hippie Funk Collection, adventure bikes, rusty rats, cruisers and other alt bastardisations of bicyclery

    Two bottom brackets, eh? Looks like a lot of effort has gone into designing and welding that thing up. On the other hand . . .
  2. moonlite

    so old MTB frame to gravel bikes? thoughts? pics oin page 4

    I tried this with a Kona Cinder Cone last year and had great fun getting it to work. The key for this build, given the long top tube, was finding the right stem and shallow-drop handlebars.
  3. moonlite

    Today's Ride

    Late-afternoon spin on my mate's Kona Jake (which I'm fettling for him -- gotta test it, right?). Chilly but bright, nice bit of dirt-road cruising. Sun was well on the way down by the end of it -- at about 3:30pm. Beautiful day though. 27km, about 250m climbing.
  4. moonlite

    Sold Kona unit single speed 2004

    Did this sell?
  5. moonlite

    Crank length cogitations

    Didn't know he'd changed but it seems to be working well for him!
  6. moonlite

    Today's Ride

    After another week lost to rain and cold, out today on a mate's Kona Jake, which I have been fettling for him. Bright, clear and cold, went off on a few dirt roads outside town for an hour and really enjoyed the bike. If it could shed a couple of pounds it would be even better!
  7. moonlite

    Crank length cogitations

    I think that means I can go ahead with at least 172.5mm without too much hassle. In fact, it might be a little easier on the knees . . .
  8. moonlite

    Crank length cogitations

    Interesting, I have a *really* hard time finding vintage cranks in anything other than 175, granted I'm mostly shopping in the 90's Haha maybe it's some kind of confirmation bias on my part
  9. moonlite

    Crank length cogitations

    I've been looking for a new (old) set of cranks for a project I'm working on. I've always had 175mm cranks on my bikes -- I'm not sure why, other than that I'm 6'2" so the larger sizes of bike are fitted with those. But now I'm finding 175mm versions in short supply -- time and again I click...
  10. moonlite

    Mtb are meant to be riden

    This site Feels and looks like a social credit scoring extravaganza, What do you think ??? Nah.
  11. moonlite

    Sold Middleburn Duo Chainset

    How much with Kilauea attached? 😀
  12. moonlite

    Sold Kona unit single speed 2004

    What an absolute cracker -- and perfect size too!
  13. moonlite

    Old Skool Adverts--- Got a Favorite, Post it.

    Well, quite. Because there is absolutely no direct connection between the semi-nude lass and "the all-steel bicycle". (And nil points to anyone suggesting she may be the local bike)
  14. moonlite

    Very strange "Michael Schumacher" bike

    Excellent background -- thanks!