Recent content by N-plus-one

  1. N

    For Sale FS: Eddy Merckx CORSA-01 with 9 spd Campagnolo groupset

    The airbrush stencilling is very attractive
  2. N

    Campagnolo 8-sp freehub, vs 9 or 10 (or 11)

    Every so often one stumbles across a thread such as this. An utter paydirt of a gold vein. Thanks guys. It's why I love this forum.
  3. N

    For Sale 1987 Specialized Stumpjumper

    IN or UNDER ?
  4. N

    For Sale Claud butler cresta reynolds 531

    at the base of your post there will be the word Edit - if you have posted sufficient times for the feature to be enabled (it's not awarded to an account which seldom posts). If you dont have it, try deleting your post and starting afresh.
  5. N

    1990 Raleigh Dyna Tech Cronos Titanium (56)

    I am in admiration and much respect of your determination and attention to detail. Chapeau.
  6. N

    Cinetica Giotto

    That bike is utterly surreal. It's so different that it sort of challenges accepted convention as to what a road bike should be.
  7. N

    Ever heard of a bike called Bifrato? Vitus 979 dural

    me too - it's quite spooky in a way.
  8. N

    HOPE - bleeding hell……,

    To be fair, it's hard....
  9. N

    Very strange "Michael Schumacher" bike

    they do look a bit clunky and bloated
  10. N

    Very strange "Michael Schumacher" bike

    Proof, once again, that just because you can do something; it doesnt mean you should.
  11. N

    HOPE - bleeding hell……,

    @2manyoranges a piccie would help my situational awareness (out of idle curiosity)
  12. N

    HOPE - bleeding hell……,

    Me too!
  13. N

    Motorola Merckx Corsa Extra SLX

    I have a mix of CF and SF bikes. I enjoy them all.
  14. N

    Motorola Merckx Corsa Extra SLX

    somewhat firm, I would hazard a guess.
  15. N

    Campag 10 speed ergo lever rebuild instructions

    open it with CHROME browser and the embedded text translation is pretty understandable. No odd translations telling you to remove the spring onion or similar.