Recent content by The History Man

  1. The History Man


    Glad she’s ok. It’s just a fleshwound!
  2. The History Man

    For Sale Oak Table

    That’s a shame. I’d have had it if you were closer. North Yorkshire rather than north of Cheltenham these days.
  3. The History Man

    Overbury's Pioneer MAX

    Very reminiscent of a Roberts Phantom I had for a while…
  4. The History Man

    For Sale Oak Table

    Where you be old chum?
  5. The History Man

    Bleeding modern Shimano disc brakes

    I have a couple of sets if anybody wants some..... Converted to avid cable discs. Best/worst of both worlds.
  6. The History Man

    Overbury's Pioneer MAX

    Checking in with coffee and doughnuts.
  7. The History Man

    so old MTB frame to gravel bikes? thoughts? pics oin page 4

    Only just spotted uou thread. Very nice.
  8. The History Man

    Carlos Santana

    There once was a man From cork, who got limericks And haiku confused.
  9. The History Man

    In a galaxy far far away....

    That’s enough Star Wars bantha.
  10. The History Man

    Raleigh 501 with GOD stickers?

    Also has the chain peg so nicely made.
  11. The History Man

    Raleigh 501 with GOD stickers?

    Had an 8806 in huge. It was the Gerald connection that got myeloma twitching? Catalogue frame cashing in? Training frame?
  12. The History Man

    Raleigh 501 with GOD stickers?

    Terrible pics but any ideas? Banana is gas pipe I think.
  13. The History Man

    Raleigh 501 with GOD stickers?

    Up the road on Facebook £100 the pair/offers