Recent content by thom04

  1. thom04

    Mystery Karma pass the parcel.....

    Yup, all packaged up & will be off to @Tricky1977 early next week. all went back in one bigger box but have stuck it in a plastic parcel sack to stop it splitting 👍
  2. thom04

    Alt bar opinions?

    That first pic is like a magic eye painting 😂 Those Jones loop bars look smart though
  3. thom04

    Alt bar opinions?

    those wide bars look great 👍 that's a decent idea with the bar ends @DrDaveTampa - I might give that a go first to see if I get on with it (and save forking out on some expensive bars 😅)
  4. thom04

    Alt bar opinions?

    Anyone tried out an 'alt bar' setup? I hate the name, but the idea of having a more on-the-hoods position for climbing seems like a good idea (obviously down to personal prefs) Just curious if anyone on here had tried them out. I've seen lots of marketing bs recently but never seen any in the wild
  5. thom04

    Mystery Karma pass the parcel.....

    No worries, I'll have a proper look through it later & split it down the middle 👍 (half a chain & one pedal in each box etc.) @Tricky1977 you seemed keen so I'll message about postage once it's all packed again. For box number 2 I'll wait to see who's 1st to reply when its ready 👌
  6. thom04

    Mystery Karma pass the parcel.....

    Box has arrived & royal mail has done us proud! Hole in one side & looks like it's been drop kicked out of a lorry 👌 Recon it might be getting a bit heavy for cardboard boxes - what's the general consensus for splitting it up in to two karma parcels? @Tootyred just want to be clear on the...
  7. thom04

    Mystery Karma pass the parcel.....

    Yes please! I've got a few bits to stick in as well + a roll of packing tape to add to the outside
  8. thom04

    Today's Ride

    Today's lunchtime blast along the railway track cycle path, up through a very slippery Bourton combe & out the back of the quarry. There's been lots of rain coming down through the combe, so some of the trails are pretty impassable now where the dirt has washed away (less trail, more endless...
  9. thom04

    The Unofficial Official Photography Thread...

    Nice one! I'll give them a look 👍 I pretty much only shoot B&W when I take the film cameras out
  10. thom04

    The Unofficial Official Photography Thread...

    Given the recent film camera chat - anyone got some good recs for places that'll dev my film & not make me cry at the price? I'd do it myself but don't really want loads of chemicals in the house
  11. thom04

    Found in my local classifieds...

    Spotted this bonkers looking folder today:
  12. thom04

    What do I do now? The ultimate conundrum.

    Just makes me think of this 😂 Apologies for the Facebook link but it's the only place I could find the clip
  13. thom04

    Today's Ride

    Lunchtime 20k up and down the valley Pretty flat route, but the drove path has eroded enough over the winter for some interesting cycling if you're going fast enough
  14. thom04

    Today's Ride

    @Joe_Rides that saddle bag looks cool, where's it from?
  15. thom04

    Repurposing Vintage Bicycle Parts

    Thread reminded me of this great video: