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  1. F

    Mercian is being liquidated

    Hopefully that’ll not happen, knowing the people involved. It’d be a travesty if it does. Thread here:
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    Wanted Syncros Cattle Head 130mm 15 degree rise 1 1/8’’ Silver

    Looks like it! PM on the way
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    Members we haven’t seen for a while

    I miss @bduc61 a lot. His superb bikes and comprehensive insights into all things French Also @one-eyed_jim - a very knowledgeable chap
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    84 Holdsworth Pro

    Yes indeed. That’s a lovely looking bicycle
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    Campagnolo MTB brake levers - how to remove?

    You’ve already done the most important bit - recognised those levers need to be removed! 😜
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    Retro Music Lovers (up to and including 31/12/1999)

    Were you using five words where one would do?
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    95 Ibis Mojo Ti in Large on eBay UK

    That link doesn’t seem to be working, but the seller is one of us -
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    95 Ibis Mojo Ti in Large on eBay UK

    Their name is familiar, are they a member here?
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    95 Ibis Mojo Ti in Large on eBay UK

    I want that. I want it very very very much. But I can’t have it.
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    Fat City Cycles Yo Eddy fork Vs. BOI (Big One Inch):my forks

    A white Slingshot perchance? 😉
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    Weird Ibis £350 Nottingham

    Szazbo yep. They’re was a very rare Ti version too
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    Wanted Hope mechanical front disc brake

    Any good?
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    Hardisty 531ST Tourer

    I haven’t contacted Strange no. But those reverse-pull brake levers were funky indeed!
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    Wanted Sanko Procyon derailleur

    Would still love one of these super mech’s. Anyone?
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    1990 Cinelli supercorsa with first gen C record

    That is one beautiful bicycle
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    It's a Breezer dropout but wot izzit? Genesis Altitude?

    Testament to how humble the man is. …Wonder if it’d be similar if Mr Fisher was in our midst? 🤔