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  1. rmwesley

    Dave Russell - Back to Blue

    Brilliant 😁 BTW… Geraint Thomas has just gone down the ramp in the Giro TT. He is “only” using a 66T chainring.
  2. rmwesley

    Dave Russell - Back to Blue

    Looking good 😍 You have shamed me (in a good way) to get cracking on mine again. Are my eyes deceiving me, or are you attempting a new land speed record with that outer chainring?
  3. rmwesley

    Dave Russell - Back to Blue

    Haven't posted for a while... Been trying to get in some kind of shape for a cycling trip to Malaga this last week. There are stunning views to be had in the mountains behind Malaga, but brutal hills to get up to make you earn it :cool: Anyway, finally managed to get the freewheel sorted out...
  4. rmwesley

    New tool day

    I think they are intended to be that way up since the square head of the coach bolt fits exactly into the slot on the underside of the plate. You also get some fat washers to hold the plate just proud of the surface you are bolting it to, to accommodate the coach bolt heads. However, that said...
  5. rmwesley

    New tool day

    Picked this freewheel vice up for under £20 which I thought was pretty reasonable. It also works! It can be bolted direct to a workbench, but I think I'll fix it to a block of metal / wood so I can hold it in a vice.
  6. rmwesley

    Brooks Scape Frame Bag dimensions

    I've posted this in a few places, but no joy. Just wondering if anyone has a Brooks Scape Frame Bag (the smaller one) to take some dimensions which aren't available on the product page? Brooks don't respond to their "Contact Us" page grrrrr.... I need to figure out if the nose of the bag will...
  7. rmwesley

    Repurposing Vintage Bicycle Parts

    That handle is crying out for some vintage handlebar end caps now.
  8. rmwesley

    Workshop/Workspace... Show us yours!

    Think I posted in the other thread also…
  9. rmwesley

    Posting Wheels in boxes - again.

    Sent a set of wheels in a wheel box using Parcelforce last week. Used their website to pre-book it. Basic cost was pretty reasonable (less than a tenner from memory), and £500 insurance added on an extra £20ish I think.
  10. rmwesley

    Dave Russell - Back to Blue

    A loooong time ago I did a month backpacking around the Philippines. My vague memories of Cebu were a beach bar out in the sticks whose "thing" was some form of drinking challenge, which if you completed you got your name on a tiny brass plaque on the wall. That many people had done it that...
  11. rmwesley

    Dave Russell - Back to Blue

    Thanks mate, it is my pride and joy. Just had to start sub-letting a corner of it to my 14yo daughter who has become pretty proficient at silversmithing. Was a bit concerned about losing my safe space, but it is actually nice to have a bit of company out there. Absolutely love your Dave Russell...
  12. rmwesley

    Dave Russell - Back to Blue

    Hahaha, was the same in mine about an hour ago. Toasty warm now, although I think those bar heaters are equivalent to burning £50 notes :eek:
  13. rmwesley

    Dave Russell - Back to Blue

    Ready to go back in with new ball bearings...
  14. rmwesley

    Dave Russell - Back to Blue

    Also given the frame a buffing and a good coating of wax. It has a *lot* of character and the patina looks pretty cool just as it is. It would do more harm than good to try and touch up the paintwork.
  15. rmwesley

    Dave Russell - Back to Blue

    Haven't managed to get a lot done recently due to work shenanigans, but here are a couple more updates... Fork sorted.
  16. rmwesley

    Winter gloves recommendations

    As with all the other replies, it is difficult to find something which actually works. I have Raynaud's syndrome which exacerbates the problem. The best brand I have found is Hestra and using a combo of a thermal glove with an additional thin liner.
  17. rmwesley

    Sold Joblot of tools

    I know you don’t want to split, but I’m guessing people on here may just be looking to fill gaps in their toolkits. If it does eventually split, I’d be interested in the headset spanner, pin spanner and chain whips. Thanks. Free bump anyway…
  18. rmwesley

    Electroetching some cranks

    This looks like a lot of fun, might give it a crack. How have you got the PC power supply set up? My previous experience of electricity and water hasn't been great.
  19. rmwesley

    Sorted Hail Mary... T.A. Cyclotourist Double Chainring Bolts

    And replied... many thanks @bagpuss