FSA vero vs tempo, do they use the same BB width?


Retro Guru
Hi guys,

My commuting bike is currently mounting the stock FSA tempo crankset, which uses a 118mm BB
I am thinking to switch to a 165mm and I found a FSA vero. Do you know if these two crankset would use the same BB? It's a new BB and it would save me from replacing it.

I found documentation on both cranksets. The Vero needs a 110,5mm axle length for the same chainline of 44. So using existing BB gives a 48mm chainline. This is for the compact cranks. Pdf are on these pages:

I found that, but the Vero crankset I saw online has 5 arms, so I wonder if it's a different kind of Vero crankset...
I think that in the end I will just get a simple Sugino replica from SpaCycles (£17!) to test the 165mm cranklength and in case I like it, I will consider upgrading