London to Brighton on an old Marin

Haha cheers. I was definitely pleased that I switched to the triple chain set at the last minute. Could still have done with a slightly larger large cog but definitely appreciated the small one going up the beacon. I don’t think I’ve ever sweated more in my life but it did feel like an achievement to get up it without walking. Lots of people were.
Got a puncture shortly after making it over the top which put a slight dampener on the home straight, next time I’m taking a spare tube and not a terrible puncture repair kit and pathetic miniature pump! Was trying to travel light, should have got a bag for the bike. Saw a bloke doing it on a bmx , if he got up ditchling beacon without walking he deserves an Olympic medal
View attachment 777264Really enjoyed it, it was quite warm though. Especially going up ditchling beacon, which was a struggle . I’m blaming the heat. Just about managed to do it without stopping and did the whole thing in 4 hours ish. Thanks for all the advice!

Old steel rides nice, dunnit? Beautiful bike a well deserved congrats, particularly for powering thru amongst the spandex nut huggers and skinny tires.

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