Recent content by Chopper the ex Copper

  1. Chopper the ex Copper

    What does Iran and the UK have in common?

    Smart arse barristers on minimum wage?
  2. Chopper the ex Copper

    What are you stockpiling?

    Everything. I am one of those hoarding types that has only 5 cubic inches of living space left.
  3. Chopper the ex Copper

    Look at the size of my Vegetables - the back garden, non allotment thread.

    The pub in the village expressed an interest in buying some from me if I had a good crop. I hope their customers like tomatoes!
  4. Chopper the ex Copper

    Going from car free to car lumbered.

    Well, much as I'd love to drive my new car somewhere I have an ear infection and feel a bit wobbly, so won't risk either driving or cycling. My life is strewn with cowpats from the Devil's own herd!
  5. Chopper the ex Copper

    Why can I buy 3x8 brake shifters for flat bars for £14 but.............................

    Also consider that a lot of the stuff about for low prices is counterfeit, often very difficult to tell apart from the original without careful comparison.
  6. Chopper the ex Copper

    Gravel bike packing, its all done wrong IMO

    The tyre contact patch does indeed move unless you are doing one long continuous trackstand, and that movement is akin to the movement of your palm in the pub trick. The principle of control by shifting a heavy mass above point and the laws of physics are the same in both cases. Move that mass...
  7. Chopper the ex Copper

    Gravel bike packing, its all done wrong IMO

    Indeed, you shift yourself on the bike and the bike beneath you. I teach these skills.
  8. Chopper the ex Copper

    Gravel bike packing, its all done wrong IMO

    CoG and cycling can be counter intuitive, particularly where low speed control and agility is concerned. Try the old pub trick. Take a broom, balance it in the palm of your hand vertically on the end of its handle. If you're not too sloshed you can keep it up for a good period of time, perhaps...
  9. Chopper the ex Copper

    Stiff link in my chain

    You can't beat a good double-entendre. It's what made Britain Great.
  10. Chopper the ex Copper

    Stiff link in my chain

    I have a stiff link every time Thora Hird is on TV. Phwooaaarrrr.
  11. Chopper the ex Copper

    Angry pedestrian who scared cyclist riding

    I think perhaps you missed the tongue in cheek in my post, but bravo for a good effort.