Recent content by hookooekoo

  1. hookooekoo


    Has the 'reckoning' happened yet?
  2. hookooekoo

    Why did they go … (Middleburn, PACE, onZa, IRD, Kirk, Bullseye, etc)

    I suppose it could be argued that since Mountain Biking became a big thing in the world of cycling, there hasn't really been an equivalent seismic event since then. When a sport or a subdivision of a sport is new, then it's fertile ground for cottage industries to spring up with new ideas. Once...
  3. hookooekoo

    Why did they go … (Middleburn, PACE, onZa, IRD, Kirk, Bullseye, etc)

    Just a theory, but maybe people who are great designers and engineers aren't necessarily great marketers. After new companies and product lines are launched, it probably takes quite a bit of effort to keep the momentum going. Now I'm not a great fan of marketing, because I think good products...
  4. hookooekoo

    1980s Dawes Galaxy Brown paint match.

    Halfords mix car touchup paints in store using a sensitive balance, bottles of primary colours, and lookup tables that tell them how many grams of each primary colour to mix together. If you ask nicely you might be able to get a bit of the primary colours they use so that you can tweak the Ford...
  5. hookooekoo

    e-bike fires

    Electric bike caused fatal Bristol flat fire, council says It looks like the blame is being pinned on diy e-bikes. 'Residents said they told the council of their fears about homemade electric bicycles being stored there.'
  6. hookooekoo

    Best steel bikes?!!

    Run a string around the head tube down to each rear dropout. The distance from string to seat tube should be the same on both sides. It's a rough and ready technique, but it would tell you if the back end wasn't true. Probably good for eliciting puzzled looks from the bike sales person too...
  7. hookooekoo


    I don't watch bitcoin, but I'd guess that as soon as the financial institutions started taking an interest, it became subject to the same kinds of price manipulations that have occurred for a very long time in other financial markets. That's bad news for the average retail trader, and good news...
  8. hookooekoo

    Lidl Middle Aisle - Parkside Organiser and Storage Set

    For whatever reason my local Lidl had some items there this morning that are supposed to be in next week's offerings. Although I can't see the £60 wood lathes I saw this morning listed for either this week or next week.
  9. hookooekoo

    Lidl Middle Aisle - Parkside Organiser and Storage Set

    The other tools:
  10. hookooekoo

    Lidl Middle Aisle - Parkside Organiser and Storage Set

    No, it's not bike week. But they do have a lot of tools this week. And among the offerings is a tool rack that might appeal to those wanting to organise their shed/man-cave/workshop.
  11. hookooekoo

    Retro Music Lovers (up to and including 31/12/1999)

    Deborah Harry - I Want That Man
  12. hookooekoo

    Best steel bikes?!!

    Perhaps a better way of thinking about it would be lighter-heavier, rather than best-worst. I say that because the main and most important difference between the cheaper and more expensive steel tubesets is that the UTS and Yield Strength increase when you spend more. That means that the...
  13. hookooekoo

    Know Your Numbers! Week

    For some reason Scandinavia is very well represented in that list. Particularly Norwegians.
  14. hookooekoo

    Know Your Numbers! Week

    VO2 max is probably the best measure of cardiovascular fitness. Here's a list of the highest values ever recorded. Greg Lemond is near the top of the list.
  15. hookooekoo

    Know Your Numbers! Week

    Yep, unfortunately stress is a well known factor. And for some people it can be difficult to get a reliable blood pressure measurement, because measuring their blood pressure causes their stress level to rocket.