Recent content by Irishfagan

  1. I

    For Sale 18" GT Lightning - Some minor upgrades to XT parts

    Awesome! Also I'm in the US so I'm curious what your thoughts are on shipping to the US. Totally understandable if it's not something you'd be up for but just thought I'd check!
  2. I

    Wanted 18" GT Xizang/Lightning

    This thing is pretty sweet and about in my price range! I actually messaged the guy a few days and he said it was still available but never got back to me after that? I might just shoot him another message and hope he responds!
  3. I

    Wanted 18" GT Xizang/Lightning

    Looking for either of these ti frames! Preferably just the frame since I've got some ideas for my own build. Down to pay shipping as well. Located in USA if it matters. Thanks!
  4. I

    For Sale 18" GT Lightning - Some minor upgrades to XT parts

    Total shot in the dark since it's been a while since any updates but if it happens this never sold I'm interested! Cheers
  5. I

    Withdrawn GT Xizang 1997 frame 18 inch

    Man, I totally understand not wanting to ship overseas (US) but if you're ever inclined to let this Xizang or that Lightning go I'd buy in a heartbeat. Cheers