Recent content by jango

  1. jango

    DBR Dual Response

    I may be able to end your search.
  2. jango

    1991 Diamond Back Ascent EX

    Re: '91, '92, tomato, tomato... nice bike Mr Grinder.
  3. jango

    Chicksands - THURS NIGHT RIDES!

    Re: it's been over a year since the last post here....what a bunch of slackers we are! A friend of mine popped round on Saturday with his new purchase, serious bike envy....even Neilll would approve of this one! Haibike Full FatSix.
  4. jango

    day in the peaks 2 .......sunday 6/11/16 the autumn edition

    Re: Apologies for my no show. I rather over indulged in the 'Dizzy Blonde' at the local hostelry and didn't surface from the camper until midday.......EPIC FAIL. Hope you chaps had a good ride.
  5. jango

    day in the peaks 2 .......sunday 6/11/16 the autumn edition

    Re: Where will we be stopping for lunch?
  6. jango

    day in the peaks 2 .......sunday 6/11/16 the autumn edition

    Re: You didn't say it was going to be wet, I'm out :wink: Just prepping a (non e-bike) now! See you there.
  7. jango

    Winter clothing for sale

    Re: How can I resist something called 'Hairy Penguin'! PM me your PayPal details
  8. jango

    vueltasport mud crusher aftermath........kinda

    Re: Looks like you had fun and put on a good show! Reminds me of a shrunk down D2D. Fancy doing something like this again myself! You doing the 'Muddy Buddies' event in November too?
  9. jango

    day in the peaks 2 .......sunday 6/11/16 the autumn edition

    Re: Thanks for that, wasn't too sure myself! Hoping to make this.
  10. jango

    day in the peaks 2 .......sunday 6/11/16 the autumn edition

    Re: errr...Authentication required...???? Give us a clue.
  11. jango

    day in the peaks 2 .......sunday 6/11/16 the autumn edition

    Re: I'd love to ride the Peaks again, it's been a while. As an unfit mofo can I bring my e-bike? :lol:
  12. jango

    Fat Tyre Revolution at Coed Y Brenin in September

    Re: So where were you all? I don't do Facetube or Twatter or any social media stuff and I haven't been on here much lately but I made it there with two weeks notice along with half a dozen or so RBers...some guys brought along three bikes each to make up a decent display of fifteen or so but I...
  13. jango

    MTB skills - are you happy with your riding ability?

    Re: No, this was brought into sharp relief a couple of weekends ago when I rode the Fat Tyre Challenge at Coed y brenin. I've ridden it 20 years ago with no problem (we'll ignore the uphill bits, I've never been good at them) but jumping back on a Retro DBR that I probably haven't ridden in a...
  14. jango

    25 years of Coed y Brenin - FAT TYRE REVOLUTION

    Re: That was good fun, even harder than I remember from years back.....but having not ridden Retro in a while that's to be expected! If they do that again, I'm in....especially if the Purple Moose Brewery are sponsoring!!!
  15. jango

    1991 Cannondale 1MB

    Re: Superb 8) I have a soft spot for the old 'dales.