Mrs GIGFY's latest activity

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    Mrs GIGFY reacted to KayOs's post in the thread Today's Ride with Wow Wow.
    Last stage today. There is high water everywhere here after it rained heavily for the last 3 days. We were lucky again and stayed...
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    Mrs GIGFY reacted to sjcprojects's post in the thread Today's Ride with Love Love.
    Sunshine and chrome is always a winning combination…
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    Mrs GIGFY reacted to rwm1962's post in the thread Today's Ride with Like Like.
    Pleasant ride to work along the Tyne this morning.
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    Mrs GIGFY replied to the thread Today's Ride.
    Ventured well into East Sussex... Did 60 miles today over a 6 and a quarter hours in motion. Headwind all the way of course!
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