Recent content by N-plus-one

  1. N

    Motorola Merckx Corsa Extra SLX

    somewhat firm, I would hazard a guess.
  2. N

    Campag 10 speed ergo lever rebuild instructions

    open it with CHROME browser and the embedded text translation is pretty understandable. No odd translations telling you to remove the spring onion or similar.
  3. N

    Titanium bottle cages

    What a shame I arrived so late to this thread, I'd have so enjoyed making my own meaningful contributions! Still a great read though.
  4. N

    State of the industry: a running thread

    and the hot chick wealthy girlfriend - dont forget her!
  5. N

    Motorola Merckx Corsa Extra SLX

    Very nice, good-looking result there. BZ for your efforts.
  6. N

    State of the industry: a running thread

    I'm with you. There are people who propose alternative paths to that of consumerism. Problem is that these (small) voices are frequently drowned out by the mega-business that is part and parcel of consumerism. Market agencies, Press, Media, magazines etc etc. There's a whole stratum of business...
  7. N

    State of the industry: a running thread

    aka the DAF Variomatic of the 1970s vintage. Not for me, thanks!
  8. N

    State of the industry: a running thread

    I totally agree. I try to keep my posts balanced and not extreme - but I'm opposed to consumerism as a way of living, and my opposition grows with each year. The problem is that people accept consumerism as a necessity, not realising there are other ways. Ways less damaging to environment...
  9. N

    State of the industry: a running thread

    Nail, hammer... Like it or loathe it, we live in a consumer society where turn-over is required by companies; because turnover = costs + margin - and the margin is what makes the BoD/Shareholders happy. For evidence/examples research domestic "white" products and cars: they are designed to...
  10. N

    State of the industry: a running thread

    I do. I care about it. I loathe the power that the large supermarket chains exert. I hate their ability to squeeze producers (particularly farmers) and customers alike. I try to avoid buying from supermarkets, despite their convenience. I shop local when possible, and direct if feasible...
  11. N

    State of the industry: a running thread

    said Mr Boycott as he lovingly beat his latest girlfriend (allegedly)
  12. N

    State of the industry: a running thread

    particularly for the employees. Not a good time in UK of GB&NI to be without employment.
  13. N

    State of the industry: a running thread

    God! what a horrid thought. A bit like Susan Boyle being pleasured to the point of "La petite morte".
  14. N

    The future of (my) cycling?

    Interesting post. I've actually gone in the opposite direction: I've just cancelled my Zwift subscription and am going to expand the range and variety of my rides. So while I will still do fast-paced peloton rides, I intend to use all of my other bikes on a more frequent basis and enjoy the...
  15. N

    State of the industry: a running thread

    The policy is called: Consumerism. %age profit of a large number is so much more lucrative than the same %age of a small number.