Recent content by The Bat

  1. T

    Sold RaceFace Turbine Chainset

    RaceFace Turbine chainset, 175mm cranks, 44-32-22 rings (the two largest are original, the inner was replaced just after I bought it and works perfectly). RF bolts. Extremely good condition overall, clean and tidy cranks (not polished) with no grounding on the ends and the graphics in mint...
  2. T

    DY85262 Feedback thread

    CJ has just bought a headset from me. Good comms and payment, no problems at all. I would recommend that anybody deals with him in with every confidence. Kevin.
  3. T

    Sorted Campagnolo 1" Threadless Headset NOS

    I'm fairly sure that I have an unused Record, I'll have a look for it tomorrow and let you know. Kevin.
  4. T

    Sorted Campagnolo 1" Threadless Headset NOS

    Are you still searching @DY85262 ?
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    For Sale Peugeot Premiere

    Hi Wozza, You need to state a price for all ads on here, even if open to offers. Looks a decent-enough bike, do you have any frame measurements or other info, please? Also, whereabouts are you? Kevin
  6. T

    For Sale Claud Butler Black Diamond tourer

    Ta. Too far for me otherwise I'd have possibly had this. It won't hang around, although it seems some really good quality, well-priced bikes can't be given away at the moment. Good luck, Kevin
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    For Sale Claud Butler Black Diamond tourer

    Bargain. Where are you, Nedediah?
  8. T


    I can't help with which model it is but it's a lovely-looking classic bike, although it is shame that the downtube levers have been replaced with Shimano (I think) brifters. Good luck with getting info about it, I'm sure that someone on here will help you. Kevin.
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    Yellow Olmo 56cm

    Sold for £165. I kept an eye on this as it was within a reasonable distance for collection but came to my senses and realised that I didn't need another bike; I thought about making an offer as I didn't think it would reach the £100 initial asking price and it may not sell at all. It has an ok...
  10. T

    How do I mark my Ottadini 00133 "sold"

    Have you first selected 'Edit' at the bottom of the post? I'm writing these replies from memory as I haven't changed a post from For Sale to Sold for a while but I managed to work it out - along the lines of what I've written here - and it was fairly obvious, even for an old tech-dinosaur like...
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    How do I mark my Ottadini 00133 "sold"

    I'm surprised that nobody has replied. Go on to your original post, select 'Edit', select the bit at the top that currently shows 'For Sale' and this gives a drop-down menu with 'Withdrawn', 'Karma' etc. Select 'Sold' and then save the post. It will now reappear as 'Sold' in the listings and...
  12. T

    Sold Olympus XA2 & A11 Flashgun 35mm camera

    That takes me back! In the early-mid 1990s I bought a second-hand one in the standard black colour that I used for my mountaineering and climbing photos with print film. I can't remember how much it cost. I then bought another for taking transparencies (slide), this was also second-hand but...
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    Bottle cages for Colnago

    @Sir Neil d'Menture A classic Colnago, one of my favourite makers from that late 80s - mid 90s period with the mix of classic steel frames and just enough new tech to make riding a bit more comfortable e.g. brifters, decent brakes etc. I've just had a look amongst my pile of parts and have...
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    Commie frame Diamant track bike build.

    Thanks for the quick reply. I like old, solid tools like that; VAR and Hozan made quite a few robust pieces - Gian Robert chain pliers are another - but it's a bit of a shame that there isn't a big call for them now with being able to cover most jobs with just a few hex keys. Sorry for being...
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    Commie frame Diamant track bike build.

    Nice job. It looks very functional with the grey paint and touches like the seat brace and the bar grips but you've given it just a touch of flair with the stickers and graphics. What is the tool that's lying next to the spanners? Kevin