Recent content by YankeeDan

  1. Y


    Beautiful--in my opinion this is the nicest Hetchins lug pattern. Those Constrictor rims really have a very modern look to them.
  2. Y


    Wow, yes. That is a Maclean Apollo. An amazing find. One of the most spectacular examples of ornate lugs ever produced.
  3. Y

    Wanted Williams c1200 crankset

    When it rains, it pours--kind of. There are now 3 right-hand Williams c1200 cranks available on eBay, all with mismatched left cranks. So I'll modify my wanted ad to just the left crank!
  4. Y

    Another 50's frame identity

    Quite possible this is a Dawes, the lugs look similar:
  5. Y

    Oscar Egg build now underway

    Wow, fantastic work. Love the color, very subtle and sophisticated. Interesting to see such thin, almost "pencil" chainstays on a French bike from that period. I had thought that was mostly a feature of UK bikes.
  6. Y

    Wanted Williams c1200 crankset

    Thanks, I do also like the Stronglight cranks very much and have those on other bikes. But in this case I was hoping to keep it entirely UK made (Tout Anglais?), so looking for the Williams cranks as an alternative to the ubiquitous CL cranks.
  7. Y

    Wanted Williams c1200 crankset

    As the title suggests, seeking a Williams c1200 crankset for restoration of a 1950's Ephgrave. Would also be willing to purchase a period-correct bottom bracket and chainrings. Thanks!!!
  8. Y

    1958 Holdsworth Zephyr 54.5cm track frame

    And it's gone. Such an attractive lug design.
  9. Y

    Vitus 787 cyclocross resto-mod

    Thought you my like to see my Vitus 787 cyclocross, which I purchased from a Retrobike member. I substantially changed to components on the bike, partly to make it work as a gravel/cyclocross bike in southern Louisiana (that's the Mississippi river in the background), and partly to complement...
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    Foreigner's mainly British bikes collection

    Beautiful. Curious about the stem on the Ephgrave--is it a lugged steel stem?
  11. Y

    Best Purple Cantis to work with Brifters on Cyclocross Bike

    Paul Component brakes have worked well for me: Or if you prefer to pay $100 less for slightly less prettiness:
  12. Y

    Vintage French randonneuer's and porteurs.

    For us Americans, leboncoin is forbidden candy shop of French classic bikes. I've given up emailing sellers trying to get them to ship internationally--never works! I keep noticing how well finished Motobecane's were compared to other production French bikes of the era. The paint quality and...
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    Wanted Vitus 992 Frameset or Complete Bike

    I have been looking for a Vitus 787 cyclocross for ages! They keep coming up on leboncoin, but I have never succeeded in getting a seller to respond to my messages. Perhaps it's my bad French? Can't quite tell whether a 56 would be big enough--I usually ride a 58, but measured to the top of the...
  14. Y

    Early '70s Gitane Country CX (tentative build thread)

    Wow! Looks fantastic. Eagerly awaiting the rest of the build. Perhaps you might even get the cyclocross outer chainring guard for the Stronglight 93? There is one on Ebay now, but not cheap.
  15. Y

    Mystery handmade lightweight - W.P. Newton?

    Thanks so much for the thoughts and advice. Yes, I agree it is not consistent with the works of the top craftsmen or the nicest of the factory bicycles like 1950s Holdsworth, etc.. The differences in thickness are quite noticeable in person. Regarding the serial number: it is just stamped on...