Search results

  1. U

    Car parts on bikes.

    As a car person, each time I saw the opportunity to get a bit of car on my bikes, I would. As the BMC car brand is a favourite of mine, as soon as I found out about bmc bikes, I needed a piece. Only a top cap but it's ideal. Found this on a tip bike. Loved the vectras in the btcc years ago so...
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    A bmx of sorts

    Wasn't sure where to put this and i don't even know if you'd class it as a bmx, so please move or delete as necessary. I recently finnished my rockhopper mtbmx and when I took it to a mates on Sunday to show him we got talking bikes and stuff and decided to bmx something else. Various ideas...
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    Specialized sirrus carbon pro

    Hi all. Following my previous threads about my tip find bikes I started to really enjoy biking and treated myself to a new rockhopper. It's intended use was off-roading of course but after a couple of on-road runs I decided to get a road bike, which led to me picking up this carbon sirrus Nice...
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    1995 Specialized Rockhopper

    Last weekend I was at theocal tip looking for a bike that might have some front shocks for my marin (originals are very dead) but instead I came home with a rockhopper instead for £15. It's nice. I didn't need or want another bike (aside from getting one with shocks), but I couldn't not have...
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    Specialized rockhopper

    Just popped out to do some shopping, drove past the tip, went into the tip, found this specialized rockhopper for £15. Wasn't looking for another bike, don't really need one, but sometimes that means naff all lol. My initial plan was to swap some parts out to the marin but I've just taken it...
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    Marin tip find

    Hi all. Shortly after finding my giant hunter at the local tip shop I found this marin. It's obviously a much nicer bike than the giant in almost every way, just in need of a service and tidy up. When collected I've given it a full going over, removed all stickers, cleaned up the frame in prep...
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    Giant Hunter

    Hi all, my first post here. I was inspired by the bike2work scheme to get a bike, but its been afew years since I've been on one so didn't fancy paying out for a new one, but even the second hand market seemed expensive. My local tip has a handy shop, and they often have afew bikes there...