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  • Users: riskllama
  • Content: Threads
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  1. R

    Sorted Salsa Lip Lock

    hey all, looking for a vintage Salsa lip lock in red, gold or green w/logo in the 30mmish range. hopefully, somebody on here's got one for llama...👃
  2. R

    Flite saddles…how much is too much?

    found a NOS one w/Ti rails I really like on ebay, wondering if $169USD is about right for one of these?
  3. R

    best XT iteration?

    ok, I know I've seen/read a few times on here that there seems to be a consensus that a certain iteration of vintage Deore XT is the best - which one is it? M737? M750? also, what is my best option for replacement XT V brake pads?
  4. R

    llama's stupid questions thread

  5. R

    any love for old Brodies out there?

    was putting away the mower in the step dad's shed over the weekend & noticed that he still has his old Brodie Dynamo. not entirely sure what year it is but it's green so I wanna say '96, maybe? that's what a quick Google search suggests anyways... he's turning 80 in September, so his cycling...
  6. R

    '97 Kona HOT build thread

    ok, here's what I'm starting out with : bars & stem have been the first casualty. swapped 'em out for some period correct race face air alloy bars & a system, both in a pewter finish. not exactly the colour I was hoping for, but they came as a package...
  7. R

    Kona doesn't give out paint codes, wtf???

    was hoping to get some touch up paint or at the very least, a paint code from the good folks over there @ Konaworld but alas, no dice - apparently they don't sell touch up paint(which didn't really surprise me, tbh) but was kind of shocked when I was told that they do not give out paint codes. I...