BoTM huelse's 1988 Ibis Custom is Bike of The Month June 2013

Bike of The Month
huelse's 1988 Ibis Custom is Bike of The Month June 2013

The June 2013 Bike of The Month contest was taken by huelse's 1988 Ibis Custom, from some very strong competition.

The full result is as follows
1. huelse's 1988 Ibis Custom
2. Nader's 1993 Yo Eddy Aquafade
3= SYN-CROSSIS' 1993 Mountaingoat Whiskeytown Racer
3= Spwal's 1994 Yeti ARC AS

Click here for more details and full results

The June 2013 Bike of The Month top three are as follows

1. huelse's 1988 Ibis Custom

2. Nader's 1993 Yo Eddy Aquafade

3= SYN-CROSSIS' 1993 Mountaingoat Whiskeytown Racer

3= Spwal's 1994 Yeti ARC AS
