Quantocks or purbecks... easy to find routes


Retrobike Rider
Hi South westers

I might have a few random days off in the next two months as I have holiday to use or lose before Christmas.

Never ridden at either of the above but both are within an hourish from home.

Are there trails that are easy to navigate / find? I don't have gps.

Any starting points appreciated


If this is simply too big/stupid a question let me know or just ignore

quantocks are fairly simple to navigate if you plan ahead of time.

look to start either at lydeard hill, or hodders combe if you fancy climbing a bit (20 mins up ladys edge is what i'd recommend) to earn your drop back in :)
you can start in the middle around crowcombe park gate too

as long as you have a map / sense of direction its not too bad.

Feel free to pm me any time you're thinking of riding The Purbecks.
If I can't make it out with you then I'll gladly give advise on where to ride ;)