Recent content by Unlikelybiker

  1. U

    Show us your marins!

    Haven't done much to my marin recycling centre special for a while, but it was sunny today so dragged it outside and gave it a clean. Need to Finnish it.
  2. U

    Matchbox cars

    I cant help with the value of anything there, although 1/64 die-cast are my other hobby it's less about value and collecting, more about customising However, I did recently find a 1968 corvette in an antiques shop for £1 Hotwheels were first released in 1968, and this casting was only made in...
  3. U

    Show us your marins!

    I bought this marin when i first started riding a couple of years ago. It was knackered but i liked the frame. As I've been buying bikes I've put aside some of the nicer bits for it, including the rack I didn't know I wanted. It's getting there but still afew bits to Finnish.
  4. U

    Car parts on bikes.

    As a car person, each time I saw the opportunity to get a bit of car on my bikes, I would. As the BMC car brand is a favourite of mine, as soon as I found out about bmc bikes, I needed a piece. Only a top cap but it's ideal. Found this on a tip bike. Loved the vectras in the btcc years ago so...
  5. U

    Why do you collect retro bikes?

    I grew up around classic cars, and old stuff in general, seeing all sorts of things being restored. Later on my situations changed and I could no longer afford it. Then 3 years ago I had a real life changing event, came out the other side of it and needed something. An excuse to get more active...
  6. U

    A bmx of sorts

    That was 2 days ago and tonight I took it to mates and got the tools out and raided his pile of bits. Still lots to do but really happy with how it's going. Rides much better now. On inspecting the frame he can't work out if it's based on a bmx thats been modded or just looks like one.
  7. U

    A bmx of sorts

    Hmmmmm. What is this. Kinda looks abit bmx. Messaged mate. He said do it. Monday, went and looked. Thing seemed much bigger than thought but the back end came off so struck a deal and stuffed it in the car. Got it home. Had a proper look at the frame. Just looks like a bmx. Bolted it back...
  8. U

    A bmx of sorts

    Wasn't sure where to put this and i don't even know if you'd class it as a bmx, so please move or delete as necessary. I recently finnished my rockhopper mtbmx and when I took it to a mates on Sunday to show him we got talking bikes and stuff and decided to bmx something else. Various ideas...
  9. U

    1995 Specialized Rockhopper

    Got the rockhopper finnished today. Fitted the brakes off the merlin. Front pads off the merlin, rear pads off a sirrus carbon pro I picked up a couple of weeks ago. Stops on a sixpence. Removed the front derailleur and two unwanted gears. Cleans it up nicely. The original twist grips were no...
  10. U

    Can we just agree on what NOS means please!

    Thoughts? As soon as I buy a tip bike, strip it and list the parts as nos, sack me.
  11. U

    Can we just agree on what NOS means please!

    Well I heared stories of marinas coming out of the factory with drum brakes one side and disc brakes the other, so at least your intentions are fully retro.
  12. U

    Can we just agree on what NOS means please!

    Well I've had 5 maxis. One nearly killed me once. At least 3 of the 5 are dead now. On the subject of nos. For example, I'm building a custom mtb using parts I like the look of. Basically alloy bits I can polish the wotsit out of. Some of the parts have a shine that is better than new, and...
  13. U

    Can we just agree on what NOS means please!

    OK then, the early mg 1600 maestros used the r series engine, which was basicly the e series maxi engine with a different (vw?) gearbox. Don't make me geek about bl 🤣 . And the marina was basicly a morris minor in a frock. The morris minor was made by bmc...... Which brings us safely back to...
  14. U

    BoTM Bike of The Month June 2023 - now taking entries (again)

    Even my very limited/non existent knowledge of bikes detects something very special here. Don't think I'll be entering the rockhopper.