Older model Surly Disc trucker build - drive train


Dirt Disciple
Hi everyone

I did manage to find a 56 cm 2018 Surly disc trucker frame - see my other post. I am in the process of building it up and am searching for suitable components to build a 9 speed drive train using a 46-36-24 front crankset and 11-34 on the back. I found on Wallapop here in Spain a Deore XT M730 Triple 122.5 Square taper 110/74 from 1990-1993 according to Sheldon Brown. I have the latter on a 9-speed Marin Eldridge Grade at the moment and will be swapping it to the Surly.

I was wondering what options there for a compatible front derailleur to get for my build. I am waiting for the frame to arrive from Italy so I am not sure whether it pulls from above or below.

I will upload photos of the frame when it arrives.