Search results

  1. J

    Campagnolo self extracting bolt removal tool...

    If you've ever used one of these, or have looked for one, then you know what it is. I'm looking for one, and I'd be happy to pay. If anyone has one, please advise! Regards, JP
  2. J

    Spline sizes/shapes and years...

    Greetings, Another question.... I'm looking at a Super Record 8 speed free hub that is NOS and described as from the early 90's. It has the aluminum free hub body, and based on the looks of it, I'd say it's from the 1993 product year. The Campy description states that both steel and the...
  3. J

    10 speed cranks on 8 speed..

    The title pretty much says it. I have a lead on a NOS 2005 aluminum Record 10 speed crank set, and the cost is tempting me to consider getting it for the chain rings to use on my 1993 Record 8 speed. Any thoughts as to how it would all integrate? They're the same BCD. They're also the same...
  4. J

    Campagnolo Parts Compatibility Question:

    Greetings, new poster here. Greetings, I posted this same question on another forum but I'm not getting any hits, so I thought I'd try it here. I took my 93 Record 8 speed hub a part yesterday as I discovered that the bearings were too tight. When I took it apart, I discovered that the...