Pip-meister memorial meet / ride?


BoTM Winner
Gold Trader
BoTY Winner
98+ BoTM Winner
Kona Fan
Just gauging interest!...

I was thinking it would be nice to try and get together as many of Pip's old bikes as possible for a meet/ride. I'd thought maybe on his birthday; 13th August?... a Sunday this year.

The Pip-meister (RIP) Collection Register

The meet would be open to anyone though, not exclusive!

My thoughts were either to do something in Malvern where he loved to ride or in the Thatcham area where he lived.

I must admit I have no knowledge on suitable meet venues or indeed ride routes!... so maybe someone with local knowledge of those areas could chime in?

I would (obviously) hope to be able to attend (health permitting) but only for the meet/social as I wouldn't be up to the ride part - certainly doesn't stop anyone else though.

Post up your thoughts and we'll see where it goes! :)

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Nice idea wadsy.

If you are considering the Malverns, may I suggest the weekend of the Malverns Classic festival. There's a higher chance of us and others being in the area, and you could make one of the rides around the site/nearby (as many did over the weekend). Dates are 24-27 August.
Nice idea :)

Trying to think if there is any sensible/enjoyable riding around the Thatcham area and I’m struggling. If it were in the Berkshire area, I’d be inclined to suggest Swinley Forest with all its designated trails.
Nice idea :)

Trying to think if there is any sensible/enjoyable riding around the Thatcham area and I’m struggling. If it were in the Berkshire area, I’d be inclined to suggest Swinley Forest with all its designated trails.

True, Swinley's a good riding venue for riding. I must admit though I saw the 'event' as more of a meet/social/bring a bike/chat type thing!... and I would imagine Swinley to be pretty packed most weekends?... and not a great area for the social aspect?

Please advise as it's years since I've been there: before it was developed, probably 20 years ago!

Cheers 👍
If possible I’d make it. Malverns isn’t too far away from me. August is naturally holiday time so might be an issue.
I have messaged all the new/current owners of Pip's frames.

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