Quantock Hills Retros


Dirt Disciple
Is it just me or am I the only bloke riding an old Klunker up on the Quantock. I’m currently on a 98 Marin Rift Zone, soon to be replaced by a Mount Vision, taking routes up through Aisholt Common, the Drove, Great Wood, Holford Coomb etc.. I usually start from Enmore Golf Course and use the ride to Stowey as a warm up. Anyone fancy joining
Hey Wezzo, are you still here?

I am local but don't do a great deal of off-roading these days ( I'm a roadie) however as the weather is fine & I have a couple retro MTB's I will be looking to get out in the dust at some point. I'm in Bridgwater btw.

Yes still on here. I’ve been doing road miles as of late. Be good to get up there now the weather is looking good. I’m on a Marin Mount Vision ‘97

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