
I found it strangely traumatic. Certainly the first few, they were nice bicycles.
My first ever singlespeed I built, which was a cheapo shite round the turning of the 90's alu frame with shite kit, was the second I had stolen and I was gutted for over a week. It was utterly cheap but it was one of my first 'proper' wrenching bikes and I still think about it.
That does happen. But mostly people steal one to get into town to get drunk and when they are finished with it, they'll chuck it into the canal.
I knew some dude 20 years ago who was selling them near the university. He told me he sold a lot
Another nice habit when there are some 10000 bikes parked next to each other someone just push the whole from one side, so it's almost impossible to release yours from the pile
Another nice habit when there are some 10000 bikes parked next to each other someone just push the whole from one side, so it's almost impossible to release yours from the pile
I had that once. So then you have to stand them all up to get to yours..

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