Rides UK retro ride & meet.

April the 2nd saw fifteen hardy souls brave the rain to meet up at Cannock Chase in the Midlands, UK. Plenty of fine retro kit was on display including 2 Kleins, 3 Fats, a Yeti, Ibis, Pace and Roberts.


Gump and Sylvain

The morning saw the large group tackle the 8 mile 'Follow the Dog' trail. The inevitable mechanicals and mixture of skill and fitness levels meant this was a leisurely loop. Following a lunch taken sheltered in swinnertons bikes the remenants of the group set out for an afternoon session. Two early mechanical casualties saw the group drop to 8 riders. Gump led the afternoon ride round some of the Chase's less well known but equally good trails.

All in all a good day was had by all (I hope!). More pictures can be seen here and here.

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