Yorkshire man rushed to hospital after mountain bike trail assault

They are entitled arseholes basically. More here:

Turns out they were riding down a footpath. Fair enough, probably many of us have done it. But to go nuclear when the landowner tells you not to is utterly disproportionate. They do need locking up.
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Not RetroBikers (we do ride around there, or at least some of us do, I've not been for quite some time).

No Retrobiker would throw a bike or get that grumpy.
(It's @gil_m and @justbackdated territory, along with a few others).

Just Twats on Bikes.

(The yearly pissup ride and is at Cropton, so is the yearly pissup brewery ride weekend)
I least I think they both are.
To turn trespass into criminal assault makes them truly stupid *holes.
They will probably get caught as well because if they are local then people know who they are, and if they drove there, numberplate cameras will have picked them up.
I was discussed to see this and assumed this might have been the issue and think I might even know the path in question

I have suggested the police enquire at Keldy and Cropton cabins, they certainly bring a "variety" of customers to the area, I really can't see someone who lives locally doing something as bad as this, we have all had a few "words" with people over trail conflict but this is truly discussing
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