Recent content by longun

  1. longun

    Today's Ride

    Took the gate out this evening and found the fuquays distant cousin haha. It pissed it down moments after this pic...... wasn't prepared but had a great time in the rain riding home
  2. longun

    Bikes and Bridges

  3. longun

    Cockpit views

  4. longun

    my fuquay, all finished

  5. longun

    my fuquay, all finished

    Heard today that Greg has passed due to cancer :( going to take the gate out this week and take some proper pics.
  6. longun

    1993 team raleigh dyna tech x grundig world.cup team bike

    Looks ace, wasn't this marks old one from the forum years ago? Super glad it's still about!
  7. longun

    An Apollo GT???

    My first mtb was an apollo atomic with triple triangle. The decal said licensed from gt or something. They weren't the first to use the design though iirc. Loved my mine, sadly stolen on my paper round in Plymouth and the replacement wasn't anywhere near as cool haha
  8. longun

    Market Rasen/ Lincolnshire national park post help?

    Scunny and surrounding area is no problem for me dude :)
  9. longun

    Retro bike show and shine show York 24

    Not long now, bring suncream.......burned like a bugger last year haha
  10. longun

    Gt malverns classic 2024

    Anyone still umming and arring get the tickets booked, gonna be lit....yo.....sorry haha
  11. longun

    Cannondale m400 1991

    No pics as yet but Ive cleaned all the parts form the parts bins. Diacompe ss5/985 brakes, xcpro mecha and shifters, onza/mavic/xccomp wheels, use post, generic bar and bright grips and saddle. RockRing means the sugino cranks need a fettle but it should be finished by next weekend..... unless...
  12. longun

    is it? i thought it didn't exist anymore!

    Interesting..... be nice to see some results with it.
  13. longun

    Rigid Fork Id

    Not pace, look cool though
  14. longun

    Cannondale m400 1991

    Washing up liquid and patience haha