Recent content by narcotitlan

  1. narcotitlan

    Show us your disc modded retro

    Love it! Bit of tasteful chopping and modding over period correct museum pieces any day. Either way as long as they are used.
  2. narcotitlan

    Wanted Titec titanium seatpost 27.2

    I’ve got a twin bolt Titec in good general condition though it has a few scratches. 27.2 x 350mm (rails to bottom of post):
  3. narcotitlan

    1989 Overbury’s Pioneer

    Zinging! Three Overburys pioneer updates this bank holiday Monday 😎😎😎
  4. narcotitlan

    1988 Overbury's Pioneer

    Good stuff. Hoping to finish mine soon-ish too. Be kind of cool to sort out an Overburys ride one of these days.
  5. narcotitlan

    1988 Overbury's Pioneer

    Noice! How’s the paint job coming on?
  6. narcotitlan

    Overbury’s Pioneer 531

    Similar geometry to my trusty yellow steed:
  7. narcotitlan

    Overbury’s Pioneer 531

    Maybe blue grips:
  8. narcotitlan

    Overbury’s Pioneer 531

    Seatpost will be cut down a bit - I’m not that tall 😅
  9. narcotitlan

    Overbury’s Pioneer 531

    keeping the original forks safe, but wanted to try out this stem/fork combo fabricated/modified by the very talented Dan Chambers:
  10. narcotitlan

    Wanted Chris King GripNut/2Nut conversion 1" (Diamond Code "E")

    I’ve got a CK 2Nut adjusting nut in black, I don’t have the upper nut though I’m afraid (though any 1” nut would fit).
  11. narcotitlan

    1989 Overbury’s Pioneer

    Great bit of documentation there, I think I prefer how the the frame looks now - colours have mellowed out a little,
  12. narcotitlan

    Sorted IRD tubular steel brake booster

    I have a black one spare, rider condition
  13. narcotitlan

    Roberts - either Black Leopard or Snow Leopard

    Always liked this one - I reckon a brooks will be the icing on the cake 😎
  14. narcotitlan

    For Sale Early Overbury’s Wildcat? 1980s Fillet brazed frame set. Price drop.

    Tempting but gonna pass - was a little tricky getting hold of that stem… I do have a very beautiful 1” fillet brazed high rise ahead stem and matching forks with a long steerer however. Send me pm if interested :) Any case good luck with the sale!