Recent content by troje

  1. troje

    A complete museum!!

    That’s a fast track into building a retro collection!
  2. troje

    Anyone here who won this Yo?
  3. troje

    Laurent Frieden's vintage racing bikes collection🏁🏆

    Thanks, that was a really nice read!
  4. troje

    What’s this Specialized then ?

    Looks like an M2 or M2 Pro from around 2000?
  5. troje

    Cancel culture bikes.

    What’s wrong with pedal brakes?
  6. troje

    Question: American Comp Lite aluminium fork options

    Great frame! I think a standard steel Tange spinner already looks good on it. I get your dilemma though, you want an awesome match. Maybe get inspired by the German forum? They have a 17 page gallery to browse through.
  7. troje

    Syncros legs tange crown question

    That is too bad, I wonder what happened to the original crown? I’ve seen syncros legs conbined with other crowns, not the switchblade though. I believe I have a spare crown somewhere. We could decide to marry it with your legs. Question however is who will be the beneficiary :-)
  8. troje

    Bargain Rocky Mountain Vertex T.O.

    Small frame, I think 96 or 97? BIN of 150 is a steal.
  9. troje

    Best *real* Chris King headset source

    Can't get my head around people buying fake CK headsets. It hurts the industry and hurts our community. Justifying this by criticising CK's bottom line is even more laughable.
  10. troje

    ID help for this 80s MTB?

    Late eighties Concorde?
  11. troje

    Litespeed Mountain - 1991... 1991?

    I believe it is a 27.0, but I had some struggle with it when I fitted an original 27.0 Litespeed post that I could not get fitted. Strangely enough, the 27.0 titanium Syncros did fit.
  12. troje

    Litespeed Mountain - 1991... 1991?

    I love this build and your commitment. I have a similar bike, see my sig. It took me quite a while to find the original fork. They rarely come available but it is not an impossible find. I can’t tell what I paid as it was part of a trade in my case. I guess value anywhere north of £450. You...
  13. troje

    Thrift shop ritchey

    It's a bit battered but defo worth it for a u brake Ritchey with original fork.