1984 Saracen 'Sherpa'

Absolutely agree. I've not done much with this one yet (daily bikes have been sucking up the little time I have for working on bikes atm) but I am amazed that it rides perfectly as is and aside from a good clean and a pair of tyres it shouldn't need anything.

I don't think it's seen a whole lot of use in it's 40 years but it still amazes me.

They really don't make them like they used to.
That's pretty cool 😎
Drop me a PM if you need grips, think I have some very similar ones sat in a box.
Thats pre conquests being called conquests.....ie they were named that after the Kilimanjaro record in dec 94. So its an saracen "ATB" if you go by their early adverts!
Thats pre conquests being called conquests.....ie they were named that after the Kilimanjaro record in dec 94. So its an saracen "ATB" if you go by their early adverts!
That was my thoughts to be honest but the reference to 'Sherpa' on the receipt threw me

So small update, it's about time I actually made a start on this one so took advantage of the pleasant bank holiday evening and got this in the stand and stripped down completely. Just waiting on a freewheel removal tool and proper headset cup removal tool as I didn't feel smashing shit out of them with a large screwdriver was suitable on this one.

As expected, everything came apart pretty nice and nothing is particilarly worn so this should be a pretty simple rebuild.

First thing to tackle is the frame. I did wonder initially if I might want to repaint this, which I'm usually pretty against, but a small cut and polish of a section of the seat tube has confirmed that this will come up lovely with a nice patina. They're only original once and all that:


As you can see, like the complete numpty that I am, I replaced the Reynolds decal before polishing and ruined it within seconds. Luckily I bought 2 so will replace it again once I've actually cleaned the rest of the frame like any normal person would.