1995 Roberts DOGS BOLX Team

Perfect morning for a proper ride, took it down my favourite local trail early before the dog walkers and ebike scramblers ruin the tranquility.

What a bike! Although I'm not keen on the modern bars and stem the handling feels great, the forks are in surprisingly good shape, it's been a long time since I rode with front suspension, but they are lighter than expected and they compress and spring back just as they should, no play or sticking. The shifting and braking is all crisp, that lovely Hope click coming from the rear hub, what a blast!

Plan is to get it back as close to original spec as possible.

Going to strip it down, fully service the hubs, bb, hs and forks and see what I can do to tidy up the frame.
The decals are 90% perfect, the 'Team' decal and the 'R' on the drive side are in pretty bad shape, not only peeling but stretched and slightly torn, so I think I will replace only those, plus the missing Columbus bird from the seat tube.


Other things it needs - Roberts stem, original tyres (if anyone can ID those I'd appreciate it), saddle, handlebars? pedals and shifters, I think everything else is original including cables, brake blocks and chain..

The top half of the post is almost perfect, but the bottom half is pretty badly worn and most of the anodizing has gone, at my riding height about an inch of wear would show. Rings are pretty worn too and the cranks have signs of wear, but overall for a 30 year old bike that's been ridden not too shabby.


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Thank you for posting those close ups, definitely Ritcheys, probably Megabites, could be brick or black with funny lighting, I prefer black as I have more chance of finding some :LOL: To be honest out of all the bits I need I'd be fine if the tyres were wrong, any period Ritchey tanwalls in good nick would be nice.

I'm also thinking that finding the right stem is going to be a nightmare, so will look at a placeholder for now, something that looks close enough painted the right shade of red, at least until the miracle find.
That was nearly sat in my stable…I just couldn’t convince myself due to the colour scheme! 🤦🏻‍♂️

Great buy though! 👍🏼
The colour scheme did give me pause for thought too, rasta bits do nothing for me, rasta + blue is way over the top imo, I much prefer low key understated non bling set ups, the anodized rings and post would be something I'd never normally go for.

But, it's a DB, now that I've bonded with the bike there's no going back, and for this particular machine the words 'catalog spec' take on a whole new significance.

Honestly, if this had been built up by subsequent owners I'd be parting it out as we speak, but I can't bring myself to split it, especially now we've all seen the birth certificate.
The colour scheme did give me pause for thought too, rasta bits do nothing for me, rasta + blue is way over the top imo, I much prefer low key understated non bling set ups, the anodized rings and post would be something I'd never normally go for.

But, it's a DB, now that I've bonded with the bike there's no going back, and for this particular machine the words 'catalog spec' take on a whole new significance.

Honestly, if this had been built up by subsequent owners I'd be parting it out as we speak, but I can't bring myself to split it, especially now we've all seen the birth certificate.

With its history, its best that it went to you mate…I was angling at painting it white the same as my current one’s going…🤣
Nice project.

The tyres are red Z Max WCS, pretty hard to find now in good condition and cheap.

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