A new toy

Managed to get it finished just in time for the rain to start o_O hit a roadblock yesterday as I couldn't find a small stardrive to fit the hope reservoir to bleed the brakes, bb felt a bit rough so I fitted a new one (plus the old one seemed to have been fitted by a monkey with a lump hammer) fitted a new 770 cassette and bled the brakes (which surprisingly worked perfect with no air bubbles first go) fitted a roox
chaindog which looks a bit tatty (after another one in good condition if anyone has one they would part with) and we are good to go, hopefully the weather will be nice for me tomorrow🙏. All I need now is some black vinyl and white decals for the forks and some slapper tape for the chainstay IMG_20240527_112704.jpg IMG_20240527_114202.jpg IMG_20240527_155024.jpg
Also toying with the idea( see what I did there) of some glow in the dark numbers for the head badge to contrast the black and silver theme, just need to sand the back of them round so they dont standout so much.
what's peoples thoughts? look alright? IMG_20240527_153723.jpg