Advice- starting a club for youngsters

Depends what you want to do as well. Training or leading. If it's training you might need to get a coaching qualification and jump through a few other hoops. (First aid, Protection of vulnerable people (or whatever they call it now), the check as mentioned above (BC paid for mine ~15 years ago)) In the end it was far too much hassle for very little gain and i sacked it off. Looking at something like 80+ hours of my time to be allowed to coach little johnny on how to get on and off his bike and use the brakes. To get to any useful skills training qualifications you were looking at 3 times that. I really hope they've sorted that out by now.

If you just want to take them for an MTB ride, it's a shed load easier. Pretty much join the club (as long as its either BC or CTC affiliated) and go. May need to do a couple of forms.