AMP F1 Suspension fork

I’ve got one, never had it fitted to a bike so no idea how it rides? Ive been looking for a suitable project to put it on for a few years now but nothings caught my eye yet. IMG_6457.png
That’s looking great! I really should find a frame for mine (or move them on 😔). Have you been out for a ride yet? How do the forks perform?
Just a quick ride on the road in my neighborhood. Felt great but did not really push it. Going to try and get a longer trail ride in later this week.
I was tempted to buy one too but would rather find out of other members' impressions first. Anything to share so far?
Hey @PanoIgano, Honestly it rides really well. I have a Girvin stemmed bike and used to have an Action Tec front shocked bike. IMO this rides much better than both and it looks much cooler.:cool: I did a trail ride with lots of fast downhills and this ate it up. I was not bombing off big rocks but I did hit multiple areas where it was bumpy, hard pan dirt. Even riding on slower sections you can feel and see the shock working. I really love it and would recommend one to anyone.

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