Any Zwifters?


Gold Trader
Dyna-Tech Fan
Before I get pilloried:

Yes it's staring at a screen.

Yes it can be boring.

Bring eggs, rotten fruit and veg to throw at me for this act of blasphemy
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I tried it, set up one of my bikes on rollers and a Bluetooth sensor strapped to the hub/zwift on the iPad in front of me. I was going along at what I thought was quite fast around 25mph indicated, riders were coming by me like I was standing still. I’m certainly not the fastest on the road but I don’t dawdle around either. I’ve got nothing to substantiate it but felt like there was some sort of cheating going on. It may be that I didn’t have it set up properly but it put me off and I sold the rollers! I’ve tried turbo trainer as well one winter, gave that up.
Yep - guilty as charged
Got quite a nice setup - but haven't used it in a while - but the intention is to get back on it in January.
I am using Zwift while recovering from messing up my shoulder. It works OK for me and saves cleaning the bike! As for cheating, I think some riders have smart trainers which read power and adjust resistance according to slope, but dumb trainers require riders to change the resistance manually so they are not equal.
It’s nice when you’ve got one and it’s winter, especially if you only own a road bike. Plus you can have the added benefit of a full English while doing 30😂, but the amount of money these things cost😲 especially peloton, £2000 and £45 a month?!? P*ss off. Zwift is less money but you have to have a bike in the first place, but at £500, it would be better to get a winter mountain bike with thick tyres, and get yourself some lovely insulated gloves.

It’s just not the same as having the wind in your hair.
My set up with bike (decent bike not bso), tacx wheel on smart trainer, and fan cost about £150. So if you're on a budget it is doable.

+ £12.99 a month Zwift
recently had to put a bike on the trainer for the first time in a few years for recovery work after an operation. not a fan of it at all. bad enough when you pay to enter a sportive, paying to ride my bike indoors (excluding the track sessions) stinks to me I'm afraid.

road bike, mud guards and good lights. yer I do less miles in the winter, but I'm still doing them and they are much more enjoyable than staring at the screen dripping sweat on the garage floor. :)
My set up with bike (decent bike not bso), tacx wheel on smart trainer, and fan cost about £150. So if you're on a budget it is doable.

+ £12.99 a month Zwift
I’m using a TACX smart trainer, works really well. Did Zwift for a year but tbh I got bored giving it everything I had but only managing 3mph on the steep stuff for an hour than travelling along at 30mph on the flat! All seemed a bit fake and I didn’t once manage to hook up with any mates.
I’ve now cancelled the Zwift subscription and just started using the free TACX app. It took a while to get it synched with Strava but teenage tech support sorted it, also they helped me “mirror” my phone to a small cheap smart TV so now I pootle along whilst watching a beautiful & free TACX video of a real footage riding through the French alps (matched to the resistance map) whilst I listen to a podcast or 90’s tunes.
Happy days.