Curtis SuperX 2001

Looks great. That blue is amazing, but I’m biased as my Sentinel is a very similar colour. It’s going to be an absolute hooligan when it’s done
The blue does look good. The bike feels lighter than I expected too which is a bonus. I really like the blue bore caps on the brakes, I got lucky when they came up for sale.
Did a small bit of tinkering during the week.

One of the brake reservoir bolts heads was rounded, I need to change the hoses so will need access to it at some point. I used my budget rotary tool to cut a small slot in the top, this worked a treat and can now change the bolt.

I also changed the derailleur bolt to match blue/gold theme. What's annoying is the text is upside down when. The previous red one was the correct orientation.

The remaining jobs are fitting the chain, changing hoses and getting a FS to IS adapter.