Cycle jumble this Sat. 15th Nov. - Somerset


Gold Trader
Kona Fan
Details as per here:

Says all you need to know really, can be a bit of a mixed bag and sometimes tails off early, but a good social and as it's more road orientated, sometimes there are bargains to be had with the MTB stuff....

Anyway, I'll be there as it's local and I might as well go! I'm the good looking lady with a suave older chap, who just happens to be my Dad (avoid: he can talk the hind leg off a donkey and sell coal to Newcastle)
thanks for the heads up, its a possibility

Having been caught out by finding one of these village halls before I've done a little searching and can't quite find it... I've got this as the address...

Broadway Village Hall,
Church Lane,
TA19 9RE

Can't really make much out on street view. Is it the building next to the church?

That's it, it's on the outskirts of the village. Best way to access it is off the main A358 to Taunton, as you come up the lane, the church is pretty much the first thing on the left. Just keep on going, there's a pond on your right, and as you come into the bottom end of the village, it's there on your left, from memory just as you're entering the 30mph zone....

Should be sign posted as cycle jumble, but the sign is useless, blink and you'd miss it! :LOL:

There are other roads into Broadway, but it's a fair old village and I would recommend the way in I've described, or it would be easy to get lost, sat nav or not....

Bump, car all packed up, this is from half 9 tomorrow, in the village hall, Broadway near Ilminster, Somerset. Easiest access is off the A358 Taunton road...