Damaged Cinelli Criterium


Retro Guru
Hi guys,

Got this Criterium on ebay from a UK seller. He failed to add to the item's description that the central part was so scratched that a stem won't fit anymore. There was just one auction photo. This was not apparent as the photo was small and out of focus.


I guess I can sand that part to make it fit again but what got really worrying me is that someone tempered with the bar's original shape. It's like they put the tops on a vice and gave it a little squeeze. I guess they were trying to give it a more "anatomical" shape.

Here's a photo.


I've marked it to make it more apparent.


Do you guys think these bars are still safe to ride? I'm afraid those tops will fail without warning... :?

Thank you!

I have no opinion on the 'ergonomic' flats. You think they weren't there originally? Could be I have a bars with similar shape, but I am not sure.

Apart from that, given the damage in the stem clamp area a bar like this would have no future with me. I would never get that corrected satisfactory, no matter what I do. Didn't the seller mention anything on it? If not, I would defo complain and demand money back.
looks too symetrical to me, i doubt that was done outside the factory...but those bars are well mangled, i don't think i'd trust them.
I have several other Criteriums and none have that flattened tops. I haven't seen this mentioned in any catalogues as well...

The seller didn't mention the deep scratching or the flat tops. I've contacted him and asked for a small refund that equaled what he overcharged me with shipping and handling. His response was that I had done the damage on purpose. :roll:

I've opened a case with ebay and have received a full refund from customers support.
Hey Pedro,

That is shocking!!! I would not ride them, if they fail their is only one place you are going and thats the floor :shock: :shock:

If you need a replacement pair, i have just taken some off my brothers bike for him. let me know and i will get the size and some pics for you. At a good price to show that not all of us Brits are :evil: :evil:

Regarding the brits being :evil: :evil: I have no complaints there. In many years of e-trading this was the very 1st time I had a problem. It was weird. I think he thought, that as I was in another country and english wasn't my 1st language, he could take advantage on me.

It just reminds me, the stem I got from you is already in good use. If you do happen to have a Criterium in 38cm or 40cm c-c please let me know! Thanks! :cool:
I would also bear in mind that the bars are glued into the central section and the damage could have weakened the bond.
Good to hear ebay paid you out, disgusting that the buyer tried to claim you did the damage...that just shows how dishonest he is.