Does anyone know anything about O-rings?


Devout Dirtbag
A bit of a random one but it is vaguely bike related...

So I got myself a Lezyne (Micro Floor Drive HV) pump at the beginning of the year and it's a lovely looking bit of kit but they seem to have overlooked one major component: the O-ring inside. It was fine for the first few uses but now it's a nightmare to use. I have tried plenty of silicone grease inside (which works for a bit) but I think it's just the combination of the alloy outer and the nitrile rubber o-ring. I am going to complain to Lezyne anyway and see what they say but in the mean time I'm looking for a replacement o-ring with a lower friction co-efficient. I'm thinking of a silicone o-ring but can anyone confirm or deny, or even suggest a better one? And/or does anyone work in an industry that can supply me with said o-ring (if I supply a size and Paypal you some £) that would be very much appreciated.

Thanks, Tom
the joe blow pump I have uses an o-ring for the seal, seam to recall replacing it when I got it (it's a friends but she don't use it) and pumped easily over 50 tyres* without any problems.

* I get the odd puncture plus using light weight tubes means they are not as air tight plus swapping over tyres/ wheels tubes etc ...

try nitrile o-ring, supposed to be superior; also may be silicone as you suggest - have a look on simplybearings website.

clean out the pump in case there is some girt that is damaging the o-ring, check for deeo scoring in the barrel, ...... or it could be just a bad design

Not sure they do PayPal, but Hill's Rubber in Reading would be able to replace your o ring.

Really struggling not to write something smutty.
You can get an o-ring kit in lidl. Every size known to man is in there.

Trivia section - The original crud guard for the down tube used securing band that is really just a large o-ring ;) Should anyone ever need one, thats the job.
them kits are a waste of money - any time I needed to replace an o-ring, it was not one of the sizes in the kit.

save your pennies and order correct size item from simplybearings.