Dunkeld Rollcall - Listen up, Bawbags …..,

I shall try my best to be there as enjoyed the last burl up in Dunkeld.

If you’re out in town wi’ Shona, there’s no way you’ll be safe to drive at 9 the next morning. Just accept you’re not going to make it and enjoy yer night oot.
I’ll be there , I think , especially if LGF is going to be there , runs around excitedly telling everyone, most of whom are not even remotely interested
If a miracle happened such as a new job with Sundays off, I would be there. However miracles are a wee bit thin on ground at moment but I live in hope....... Well Letterwalton actually but its almost as good😁
Just out of Interest I'm new to the site but what length run do you guys do and are you on road bikes or mtb with semi tread
I'm Edinburgh and don't have transport work nightshift but just to get an idea thanks