Ebay Global Shipping


Gold Trader
MacRetro Rider
Not sure if this is an experiment by ebay or if its to be rolled out to everyone but that was my impression :?
As we all know Ebay have a habit of swopping things about and changing the rules from time to time, all for Ebays benefit and not that of the sellers.
This latest policy whereas your listings will be advertised globally despite the seller not offering global postage.
Another case of ebay ignoring the wishes of their sellers and forcing them to do something they dont want to and yes, for the direct benefit of Ebay and their marketing.

That said i (for the first time) decided to buy from a US seller. A quick note to the seller concerning the shipping program tells he had also been 'enrolled'in it as he didnt usually offer global shipping, and much for the same reasons as myself and no doubt others , that being its too great a distance and the tracking or signature might go wrong or bad or the bottom line where you end up with nothing and either cant get a refund or worse are left with no payment and no goods. Again, all good for ebay but not for the rest of us.

But i bid and thought WTH, others here buy from the US and EU and if it goes bad ill take a lesson from that,being the buyer i should be refunded(according to ebay terms)
I won with a small bid, just above the opening bidder and for the usual 50p more :LOL: that always feels good :LOL: Though i can always commiserate with the loser a sive been pipped so many times myself. But the item in question i dont think would have that many bidders in the US and with the general reluctance to buy abroad meant my bid won.

The item was sent on or about the 24th or 25th and it arrived 1/2h ago :D 5 days from Michigan to Glasgow.

So im happier about buying from the US or EU, especially if its the global shipping prog, as its ebays own and to be sure there will be more interest by ebay keeping everything safe and secure.

This leads neatly to those of us who collects, or are always looking for something really obscure and the chances of it popping up ebay UK are pretty damn remote. From this experience i'd recommend that we all from now on use our own RB 'auction Watch' to locate those lost bits wherever they may be.
To that end i say well done Ebay, youve apparently got it right this time.

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