Festive Frolics 2021 - Aftermath and pics

Keith do you mean Pittencreiff Park or is there another park called Pittendreigh that I don't know about?
Also where is best to park my car?
Well spotted that man, corrected it now.

Plenty of parking at the glen as there is a decent size carpark or if you want to come to mine for a roll that's nae bother.

I'll post directions for the carpark as well.
Sound good Keith.
Would suggest we just go with the short option though. These things always take longer in a group.
Was speaking to Robmac, hopefully he’ll meet us at the coffee stop for a wee catch up.
Agree, short option best, baring in mind most retrobike events have average speeds of mid to low single figures😂
Ive had Covid since 30th Nov and Im struggling. I went for a walk to Tesco today , about 2 miles , and I was struggling for breath and tight in the chest so , unfortunately I probably wont make the ride. Im gutted
Hope you're back to feeling something like normal soon, hopefully many more rides in 2022 to get along to.
At the moment it looks like I won't make it either! Work colleague off with Covid and it's looking likely I'll have to cover next Monday at work...
Side effects of Covid can be the Long Covid which is basically like ME which I have had for years. Advice, don't push yourself to get back to normal quickly, that'll do you more harm than good. Look up Pacing on Internet and follow that guidance. Hopefully none of you get the long Covid but remember getting past illness takes time so don't rush to return to normality.
Let's hope 2022 is a good year full of better times😉🤞
They reckon that if you have symptoms after 12 weeks then its long covid. My mate nearly died April 2020 from Covid and is still unwell nearly 2 years later.
I'm only at week 4 so hopefuly it'll clear soon. I used my daughters Peak flow meter that she has for asthma. Pre covid I could blow the wee needle off the scale now I barely make the minimum for a man of my age. Quite annoying but what's even worse is I'm now partially deaf in my left ear.
I hope you are all well and have a great day out.
Wish you a speedy recovery mate, lad in my local bike shop took a couple of months to get back to normal but is feeling fine now so keep positive.