Fiocco Racing Replica project

I have to admit this is normally not the kind of bike I would be interested in, but this is so ridiculously over top I´m strangely attracted. Nice effort so far, keep up the good work!
Thanks for the encouragement! I'm hoping it comes out as cool as I want it to :D
I took small parts and the fork home last night. I wanted to build the bike up in “mock” form to check it out.

The purple cable guides aren’t really visible (thankfully) since I was not careful when installing the cables and have removed some paint. I’ll probably go back to a raw finish in those and polish them up instead.

I went with some gold cable from jagwire instead of their yellow cabling. Not sure which I prefer (leaning toward the darker gold actually) - you can see the yellow in my original photo of the bike built up on the first page - any opinions welcome!

I still don’t have the right spindle length BB for the M900 and @FluffyChicken gave me advice on the right size so I’m going to source one soon enough. Hence why the chain sits in front of the derailleur in the photos below since the current one is wide.

I also changed the chainring bolts for purple ones as a small detail and waiting for some purple cable ferrules to also arrive to complete that look.

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Beside the BB I will need to source a few other smaller items such as grips, skewers, bar ends, seatpost, seatpost clamp, XTR brake pad set and a crud catcher for under the downtube.

My next update will likely be once I’ve got Gil’s decals on hand and ready to install!
Couldn’t help myself - day off and just wanted the cranks fitted properly so I can run the chain normally too.

I did a loop around Southampton to my local bike shops to try and hunt down the right BB. My round trip was 12 miles and after the third shop, only one remained - and I least expected them to have the part since they specialise on BMX stuff primarily.

Big shoutout to DC Cycles! He had this BB for 4 years so was glad I popped in to take it!


Fitted her right into my frame and set the front mech up accordingly. 👍

Big thanks to Gil at retrodecals for recreating completely new decals for this project.

I’ve got a few days off next week so intend to get them fitted onto the frame :)
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Having a few days off was a good time to whip the rest of the original decals off and prep the frame for applying Gil’s new ones.


I hadn’t applied decals before and didn’t ask for spares so was a bit hesitant at first but once they started going on it was nice and easy. Gil did a great job. My only slight gripe which is my own fault is that I got the sizing a little small on the “l’unione Sarda” top tube decals.

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Sweet Jesus, this bike is a beast. Absolutely awesome, man. Your patience is paying off with this build. Good work! Out of pure curiosity and due to all the carbon, what is the total weight?
Sweet Jesus, this bike is a beast. Absolutely awesome, man. Your patience is paying off with this build. Good work! Out of pure curiosity and due to all the carbon, what is the total weight?
Thanks :) the bike is from the 90s and carbon has come along a bit too. The bike as it stands is 9.7kg but will be over 10kg once I add the bar ends, cable end ferrules etc. I’m going to add a few more 3DV parts as time goes along 🚲👍