Hacker Radios


Bin Monkey
BoTM Winner
PoTM Winner
GT Fan
I'm not sure how I ended up with so many but heres a small selection of what I have with at least 2 or 3 more squirrelled away somewhere.

I love the designs, Its probably why I like the Henry Kloss Tivoli radio design from a few years ago, I was never a Roberts fan, these and the Dynatron radio with their real woody bits and Celstion speakers were always my favourite.

Although I sold my Super Sovereign earlier in the year - heres a Sovereign gathering


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Nice, love a Hacker. I bet it sounds great when they're all going at once...

I have an old friend who used to collect Hackers. I used to go to the car boot with him every Sunday... Not seen him in a while. He's a bike obsessive too... Funny. It's a "quality" thing, I think. Hard to resist when they're practically being given away.