I'm still here..... and a retro tour writeup!


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
Hi All!

Just wanted to say I am still around. I haven't posted for a while as I haven't been riding much or buying much of the retro stuff. I suppose I got my dream bike - my Kilauea - so chasing more bikes and bit hasn't been necessary!
I tried to go on the National rides but they all clashed with other stuff which i had to do so unfortunately I missed them all - missed the Peaks ride for the first time which was gutting.

Anyway, the one thing my Kilauea has done is take me on the C2C from Workington to Tynemouth. I wore the Retrobike jersey proudly all the way - pity no one stopped and said hello but there you go!

Started in Workington on a lovely autumn evening... after my wife drove a 6 hour round trip to take me to the start....

Tootled down some lanes in the evening to Cockermouth 10 miles away so I didn't have to stay in Workington (if you'd been there you'd know why)

Surprisingly luxurious B+B on the first night!
MiniNinjaRob doesn't do camping... ;-)

Cycled through some lovely Lakes scenery including along this disused railway line...

Near the end of the first day I had to ride up Hartside but unfortunately my knee was really painful so I had to walk a lot of it....

Got to the cafe though!!

Rode across North Pennines on second day, wow those hills were big! My Achilles had gone as well which was making things tough but I soldiered on - nice weather and views like this helped...

After the Pennines there was a long railway track that was slightly downhill for miles and miles and miles which was a welcome relief and much needed. I couldn't believe how beautiful County Durham was, never explored it much and it was the highlight of the trip for me.

I kept stopping at pubs and getting more ice to sooth my Achilles....

Finally made it to Newcastle - had to be at the train station at 7pm to get a pre booked train home - my parents were meeting me at Tynemouth. I didn't realise how far it was to Tynemouth from the rail station in Newcastle and was really worried I might not make it back in time especially with my injury.

Finally made it at 5pm!!!

So chuffed!

Parents took me to train station just in time in rush hours - thanks so much Mum and Dad!!

I had wanted to do this for years but never bothered - I just always thought I never had the right kit or anything. In the end I just grabbed my Killy, put some bar ends and a rack on it, strapped some bags to it with a change of clothes and some tools and set off. I wanted to make it a bit of a challenge at 65 miles per day over 2 days, I ended up doing 10 on the first night, then 60 and then 65 miles on days 1 and 2 properly.

If you are wondering whether to do something like this - don't leave it till it's too late!

Nice report Rob, if I ever get chance to do the C2C that look like a good route as I'll have limited time.
I got the injury during the ride!!

All I did to the bike was put a higher rise stem on, slicks mudguards and a rack. It did ride beautifully but the tyres were crazy heavy at 1kg each which did slow things down a bit. I'd get lighter ones next time as these were overkill.
Sounds like a great trip!
That gently sloping railway track section sounds Ideal for taking my Children.
Would you be so kind and point out on google maps?
Its the Lanchester Valley Way and Waskerley Way. Essentially is its Durham to Consett then on to Stanhope.
Hamster has it - it's the classic C2C route. I wouldn't want to be on the first bit of that railway line from the moors eastwards in windy weather - it's mega exposed! I had the wind slightly behind me and it was really warm and sunny. Perfection!