Its a.... Sonic........Helmut Burns-London.

I follow the MTB history thread, its a collection of minds of valuable history and from all geographic perspectives at the same time.
Fascinating to be able to learn more than you thought was possible. And all thanks to the contributors here.

Don't misunderstand me, the above is just a single point of view of a snapshot in time. Whilst it happened, its just one perspective.

It funny though, its like we have come full circle, today and for several years, Wheel size, the right and the wrong, which is best etc has been the topic of huge debate.

Bitd, the debate wasn't about the wheel size, it was about the bike itself. Essentially Road bike or Mountain bike.

Mountain bikes, when in there infancy were seen as nothing more than play bikes, adult BMXs, ridiculed by the Road racing fraternity.

Walking into the Local Cycling clubs, club house for the weekly Monday night meet for example, you walk in with a mountain bike, you were relegated to the corner...(FACT). at the very beginning, you weren't taken seriously, the pro-Ams would take the mick, and call it all a fad.

I take on your thoughts of Hybrids, i thought about touring bikes too, but at the time, pickings of this style of bike were slim as were the choices, anything high end was mainly road.

Imported Italian frames, Handbuilt British frames all held in high regard, exquisite, delicate, Expensive.

Mass produced Mountain bike frames were great to start with, Muddy Fox, Raleigh, Saracen, etc, etc, all good for the job of a cycle courier, but very much like the early repack bikes, stuff did brake, handlebars were too wide, tyres too knobby etc etc.

Then all sorts of things started to happen, all at the same time, Keith Bontrager took a thrown away Mavic road rim out of a dumpster, cut and rerolled it for MTB use, the wide weak MTB offerings were no more.

A Strong Mavic rim for 26" use was born, so strong and light when compared to the older offerings, Mavic took note, and then Mavic MA40mb rim was born.

Off season road racers started using MTB races as training.

Some were natural, so much so, in a new field, a new Market, they could do well, they could earn a good living.

Example - Tim Gould and David Baker, both pro road racers, both show huge potential, and Race both national and international MTB events, sadly there sponsors Product, failed them misreablly.

So with the sponsors permission they have Chas Roberts custom build high end Steel for off road duties, but not bearing the Name of its maker (Roberts) , but rather the Name and livery of its Sponsor. (Peugeot)

The rims and the riders both stories well told. But, again reminding us what was happening right at that moment in time.

With limited supply of anything high end and dedicated to do the job, naturally custom road frame fabricators are outsourced by huge companies already making there own range of high end road bikes. Like this Peugeot/Roberts collaboration for Gould and Baker.

Its not surprising events like this go from whispers to legend, and are such contributing factors to this thing our ours.
Stories that become folklore I guess, and guys needing/wanting the benefits of high quality and low weight naturally turned to Frame builders like, Roberts/Overburys/Sonic to offer up there skills, as an better solution rather than the offering of high end road frames.

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The above image, was my first view of Sonic and I know I mentioned it before but a huge influence of the direction for my choices.

A London Fabrication, using high end newly introduced and dedicated mtb tubes from Italian manufacturer-Columbus, with an electric mix of both road and off road Italian components.

What i find really interesting with this is how mixing components like this became a normality for some.

It was clear at race events, which riders had crossed over from Pro-and AM road racing, the tell was always the use of road bike components, gear ratios changed, short cage mechs being used etc, all in that short space of time before the big players realized and started offering/making available for the masses short cage mechs etc.

Isla Rowntrees race bikes for Example is probably the most familiar to mention dfdd.jpg , (all be it a small Frame etc)
Great read, and love this bike concept 🥰 Some superb observations too of the time.

Think it's worth mentioning that on the road side from about the mid-50s to say very late-80s pretty much the fundamentals were set, products not revolutionised but significantly refined. A deep empirical knowledge would have been available to select road parts up to such a job on an early 26" courrier or MTB. Worth noting too that CX very much developed into it's own sport and could have helped blur road and MTB lines for enthusiastic cyclists. Also true that the 650B randonneur practically had died a natural death by this period, so most likely little choice to effectively start from scratch again to re-define a high end fairly all purpose strong bike.

There’s a thread on here somewhere that has a bunch of photo’s of bike couriers in London in the 80’s, many of them on Muddy Foxes. I think it is a thread about MF history, but I can’t find it anywhere!
There is also a MBUK article with some good pics, I’ll have a rummage to see if I can find it.
I love the monthly BOTM competitions for many reasons but one of the best is, exposure to previous great builds missed.

So glad to have read through this one now 😍, one of my favourite to date on RB, ticks every box for me!

The Campag, the paint and the frame workmanship are outstanding, it’s already got my vote 👍
Great build. Great thread. Really enjoyed the read. Top work! Nice one Carl.
Can you upload/edit your post with a higher quality scan/pics of this ?
PLEASE :) @sinnerman :)

@Rod_Saetan just seen that you supplied the scans, do you have higher resolution ones to read the whole at more ease ?
There's a scan of that article here.

@mk one @john @FluffyChicken have been migrating articles over to the 'new' archive here.
Hoping to move this and all of the mbuk/mbi scans I've done before adding some new ones.

Tarzan, 1989, just uploaded on the "no rhyme or reason thread" by joglo..........sorry i just had to upload it here. dgyj.jpg