Massive favour needed - Anyone in/near Helmsley ?


Retrobike Rider
I've bought a bike on evil-bay which is in Helmsley and collection only. I'm in Nottingham so it's not a massive journey but one that'd be great to avoid if possible as I probably won't be able to make it before I go on holiday.
Is anyone able to collect for me and I'll either arrange a courier if you can box it or I could collect it when I'm in Leeds in a few weeks ?
I'm willing to pay cover your costs and a little beer money :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
A little out of my way but might be able to sort something :)

Is it a full bike and what sort of size?
Cheers for the offer but someone has already volunteered to collect and store it for me.
People on here are great aren't they

:D :D :D :D :D