Wanted Ofmega Premier parts


Retro Guru
Let me know if anyone has any Ofmega Premier parts in good condition; I am looking for downtube shifters and front and rear derailleurs.

Thanks! :)
Let me know if anyone has any Ofmega Premier parts in good condition; I am looking for downtube shifters and front and rear derailleurs.

Thanks! :)

Bump! I've got some of these now but still after a front derailleur.

Also Ofmega hubs, a BB and a headset, although I don't think they exist as Premier, so let me know what you have. 😉
Not sure if I can help or not- you refer to Ofmega hubs, BB and headset in your search request, but does this mean that you're looking for Ofmega kit similar to Premier or just any Ofmega hubs/BBs/headsets at all that they made? I have a few items but would like to get a better idea what you're after before doing the work to retrieve them.
Hi thanks for the reply! Trying to understand Ofmega's component naming system is something of a trial. My idea is to eventually put together a build which is largely Mistral/Premier. Of course there was never a complete group of either. :rolleyes:

With that in mind I am looking for what seem to be their higher end offerings, hubs I think Competizione/Super Comp/Mistral would be suited, BB I think has to be Mistral to suit my cranks, and headset maybe Mistral/Master/CX?

Let me know what you have, but no hurry at all. 😊